Kieran McGovern writes graded reading materials for English language learners. He runs language learning website and blogs at This Interested Me.
I like to print articles I find online but many of my students don’t. “It’s easier to read on the screen,” they say. “And printers are always breaking down.”
True enough, though staring at a screen for extended periods is no fun either. Nor is wading through a sea of extraneous material like adverts, banners and buttons.
One solution is PDF files – but they can be a chore to produce and involve downloads, special plug-ins and other complications. What is needed is something that cuts down the work for everyone.
Step forward the deceptively sinister sounding Arc90 Lab Experiment. They’ve invented “a simple tool that makes reading on the Web more enjoyable by removing the clutter around what you’re reading.” (Source:
That’s a big claim, but it’s justified. You can see how it works at and you can download the free Readability tool directly from I’d love to hear your thoughts on this fantastic web tool.
Hi Kieran
I’ve been using readability for a little while now and I love it! It’s installed in my tool bar and it’s really easy to use. It declutters the page straightaway and therefore makes it much more “readable”.
but how can we make reading more enjoyable for EFL through using digital library