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Contributing to this blog!




guest blog
Our blogs help and support thousands of teachers and learners each year. It’s an important part of our mission to help the world to learn English. So far, we have featured ELT experts the world over across a huge range of topics, far too many to mention here!

Now we want to share this platform with you, giving you the chance to contribute your thoughts, perspectives, ideas, stories, and expertise.

Have something to share with this community? This is your opportunity. We’re open to all ELT related ideas that offer something unique and useful for our teaching community. Fill in the form below with as much detail as you can to register your interest.

Please do leave a comment below if you have any questions, we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.


    • Hi Maha, thanks for getting in touch. For now we only require the information you provide to us in the form above! We’ll get in touch with all our applicants via the email information they have provided to confirm next steps. ^Chesca

  1. I have sent an abstract for contribution in blog.
    Not received any response. Kindly let me know the further steps.

  2. This was my first entry on this blog, which was to gratefully acknowledge the invitation to submit on this blog. It is a very brief entry, but I hope I have put my idea clearly enough for readers to see the point. Thank you.

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