We have asked top ELT authors the following 3 questions:
1. What’s your favourite ELT book?
2. What or who has had the biggest impact on ELT in the last 25 years?
3. What do you wish you’d known when you started out in ELT?
Here, Ken Wilson answers these questions in a short interview:
Ken Wilson’s first ELT publication was a collection of songs called Mister Monday, which was released when he was 23, making him at the time the youngest-ever published ELT author. Since then, in addition to Smart Choice, he has written about a dozen coursebooks, including Move Ahead (for the Arab world), Prospects (for Central Europe) and Move ESO (for Spain). He is also one of a team of authors who wrote the New Standard English series for China. More than two hundred million copies of these books are now in use.
Your Thoughts
What techniques do you use to break away from traditional teaching methods and open up the learning experience? What do you feel the ELT world needs from publishers? Have you had similar experiences of ‘heaven’ and ‘hell’ moments in your development as a teacher? Why not share your thoughts here.
Mr Wilson’s honesty and frankness is an inspiration and lesson for us all – never take anything for granted and keep on developing and learning..that’s why all the blogs/virtual conferences/wikis and so on are there for us all to share and ‘blossom’! Thanks!