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Learning Through Play: Activity Ideas For Young Learners

Learning through play: young learners playing with musical instruments in the classroom

Learning through play is a powerful educational approach, particularly for young learners. It’s not just about having fun; it’s about encouraging children to explore the world around them at their own level and pace. This helps them to develop their cognitive, physical and communicative skills. Through play, young learners can unleash their creativity, engage in meaningful interaction, regulate their emotions, build resilience and enhance their wellbeing and language abilities. It allows them to share, collaborate and experiment within a safe and nurturing environment.

Before we look at some activity ideas and play activities that can be incorporated into your young learner classroom, let’s first look at two different types of play activities: child-led and adult-led. 

Types of play activities

Child-led activities: In child-led activities, children lead the way while adults play a more observant role. Adults only step in to deepen or consolidate learning when opportunities arise. These types of activities are sparked by the child’s interests, allowing them to explore concepts and skills at their own pace.

Adult-led activities: These are more structured experiences designed by the teacher, to guide learning towards specific outcomes. While there’s a clear objective, there’s still plenty of room for creativity and discovery.

Now, let’s look at different play-based activities you could include in your young learner classroom. 

Examples of play activities

1. Sand, water and clay play

2. Roleplays

3. Outdoor exercises and games

4. Music and rhythm

You can learn more about using music in the classroom here. 

5. Building and construction

6. Exploring the natural world

Additional ideas for play activities 

Storytelling circles

Art and collage

Integrating learning through play blends fun with fundamental skill development. You can create a rich, engaging, and supportive learning environment that fosters young learners’ growth across multiple domains, with both child-led and adult-led activities. Encouraging play is not just about making learning enjoyable; it’s about preparing children for a world where creativity, problem-solving and collaboration are key.

What other play activities would you add? Share your ideas below! 

You can learn more about nurturing your students’ creativity and imagination here. 


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