Teaching English with Oxford

Public speaking is an essential skill for learners. At some point in their lives, students will need to speak in front of an audience – whether that’s giving a presentation in class, or to peers and colleagues in the workplace.  However, many students experience significant anxiety when faced with the prospect of speaking in front of others – and understandably so!  As teachers, we can implement a variety of strategies to...
There are many terms to talk about English language learning; ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages), ELL (English Language Learning) and EFL (English as a Foreign Language) are just some examples. However, many language learners don’t fall into any of these categories. They’re not just learning English, but perhaps they’re learning (and speaking) multiple languages at the same time. For example, a student studying English at a language school...
Accents are the soul of a language; they carry the history and culture of its people. - Unknown If I ask you to think about your favourite teacher when you were a student, who comes to mind? Why do you think of them? What makes that teacher memorable? If you are like me, the qualities you valued in your favourite teacher included their ability to show genuine care and make you...

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