The official global blog for Oxford University Press English Language Teaching. Bringing teachers and other ELT professionals top quality resources, tools, hints and tips, news, ideas, insights and discussions to help further their ELT career.
Oxford Teacher Trainer, Naomi Moir, offers some lesson ideas for those 'less than ordinary' summer schools.
Many teachers round the globe are right now breathing...
Kieran McGovern offers some handy hints for coping with, and maybe even enjoying, those gruelling summer language courses.
In the popular imagination, a summer school...
Jenny Bassett, Series Editor of the Oxford Bookworms Library (OUP), stresses the importance of extensive reading to improving language proficiency.
The new Bookworm just out...
Sam McCarter - teacher, consultant and OUP author - considers the practicalities and benefits of teaching from a distance via videoconferencing.
The problem was one...